Busy Busy Busy….

We haven’t had time to update the site with information due to the load of work trying to get ready for fall/winter.2013-09-25-07-23-58

Pretty much swamped between working on the PoleShed extension, Pulling the last of the plants, Tilling up the long garden areas, Building Heating system for the green houses, and working at the shop.

This coming week, we are visiting the Growing Power Green houses out in Milwaukee, as well as the Hunger Task Force Farm.

I had a little time last night to work on the website here, and should have a photogallery up soon.
I’d like to get a poll function setup, so that we can get some input from you all as well.

Thanks for your continued support, and I hope that you are al doing well.

Your Lettuce Grow It Staff

Categories: Uncategorized

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