The Season for fresh Veggies is Near



*Planning next year’s Growing Schedule to include new software
*Changing over to Farmer’s Markets next year as they’ve been
Fairly successful this year, and We think it’s a better direction
at this early relaunch/rebranding of the farm.
*New Website coming soon, to include lots of Great New Things
That we’ve been planning for a while now.

Thanks, Everyone for the continued support.
Fox Coulee Fresh Farms (Adrian & Kevin)

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3/12/2022 Update

Well, it’s COLD outside! (I’m sure most of you know)

I spent over 7 months last year building 3 greenhouses.
2 – 24’Wx60’Lx13’H
1- 15’Wx30’Lx9’H
1 is for Soil Growing, 1 is for Propagation of new seeds/seedlings, Wintering over Perennials, and probably some NFT Hydroponics.
And the small one is for Washing, Drying, Packing, and storing Fresh Harvested Produce.
The insides of all 3 greenhouses aka HoopHouses are still not done, and the cold weather has been a serious hinder in getting that done.
It’s supposed to warm up this week, and I hope to get as much done as fast as possible when this happens, but… I am only ONE person doing this currently, and I’m no Spring Chicken.

Thanks for understanding, and waiting things out.

Pics coming as soon as I can get them over here to the website.
Hope you’re staying safe and warm.

Fox Coulee Farms

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9/12/2021 Update

9/12/2021 Update

We’re almost done building the 3 new greenhouses and finishing up the property infrastructure,
AND we’ve decided since this is going to be a fresh start after our long Hiatus, we are…
Going to Rebrand the farm!

We are now going to be known as FoxCouleeFarms!!!

We are Super Excited to hopefully get back into production early next spring and hope you will consider Checking out what we will have to offer.
More updates to come SOON!

Thanks, Everyone for the Love and Support!

You can follow us on Twitter @foxcouleefarms and our new email will be @foxcouleefarm @


Let’s Try This Again!

So, after almost 3 years of leaving the farm unattended for personal reasons, it’s time to get things moving in the direction originally planned.

So, This year will be spent working hard to get things back in order, which includes completely rebuilding both the greenhouses because they both collapsed due to snow load over the last 3 years, as well as a new low hoop greenhouse that was acquired from another local farm that put it up for sale.

We hope the weather is agreeable with us this year allowing us to get as much done towards these goals, and becoming fully functional next year.

Yes, we are going to be growing vegetables THIS year while trying to get things in shape because growing is always a pleasurable and healthy thing, both physically and mentally.

Please check back for updates, including some videos of the work in progress this year. Look up lettucegrowit farm on youtube for our past videos and to keep up with upcoming videos as well.

We’ll post the videos here as well for your easy access.

Thank you ALL for your understanding and patients!

We’ll BE BACK!!!!!

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This year, in a Nut Shell…

As many new advances in our techniques of growing this year that has been put in place, we’ve had a few personal family medical setbacks in our being able to work the farm this year.

We do have lots of vegetables planted, but there probably won’t be any farmers markets happening this year.

One that we do for a very closed community of people might get a modified version of what we normally do, but it will be set up as an “Honor Market”, where I’ll be dropping off what we have available, and you pick what you can use and leave something in a cash box type deal.

I want to thank everyone for your ongoing support of the Farm and our Family, and I assure you next year we’ll be full speed ahead.

If you are interested in signing up for a CSA Account with us, please message us on our Facebook page HERE and let we’ll send you an application/questionnaire to get you signed up.

Thanks Again Everyone, It’s been a very hard and challenging summer for our family, and we know everything will be ok in the next few months, it’s just a matter of time to get through it.


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Update 1/21/2016

Happy New Year Everyone!

Slow progress through the winter, Nothing much accomplished outdoors.

I’m working on building LED lighting for my 6 shelf seed propagation rack, and I’ll have some pictures of that as soon as it’s done.

I should have my electrician here this weekend to help me figure out what I’ll need to get things hooked up in the green houses and the shed extension so I can get moving forward for this spring.

If you’re keeping up with the progress, Thank you for checking back from time to time.

I see the site has been getting a lot of visits, and thats great.

Keep checking back and you can subscribe to us on youtube


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Update 11/15

Everything has been harvested for a while now.

The greenhouses are now covered with plastic but lots of work to get done in them, to include adding doors and re-installing vent inlets etc. (Pictures of progress to come soon)

Shed extension is being sided today, and then we’ll get started on organizing the inside for propagation of seeds and transplanting of plants starting in February.

If our local, and your interested in either buying plants for your garden next year,
OR being one of our first CSA members with a Huge first time discount, please contact us.

Soon we’ll be asking everyone what they’d like to receive as far as vegetables and Herbs, so we know what we’ll need to plan on growing for the year.

It’s been a long time coming, but it IS coming along.



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Update 05/13/2015

It’s been a while, but things have been put on the back burners for a long while.

This year, things are moving forward…
*The Vegetable Garden has grown 3 fold.
*There is a dedicated Berry and Grape only Area
*Green houses WILL be finished this year and in full affect operational,
but probably not producing till spring 2016
*Insulated Shed extension will be fully insulated and ready for seed propagation
this year and in full operation.
*New Fruit trees were planted last year in a dedicated orchard area,
Big things are going to happen, and we’re excited!


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Hoop Bending Video for High Hoop Greenhouses 10/28/14

Quick (ok, 8+ minute) video of me bending one hoops worth of sections and putting it in place.


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